
About us

Brief history

The School of Biomedical Sciences was established in 1997 as the first Biomedical Sciences Department of this nature found in a private university of Taiwan. M.S. program began in 2005. The goal of this School aims to increase the students' expertise and cultivate their ability to do research. We currently have 18 full-time faculty members and approximately 370 students. The faculty members in this School have continuously been funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and Ministry of Education with a sum of twenty million New Taiwan dollars per year for outstanding research and teaching.

Our teaching and research focus mainly on the following subjects such as pathogenic mechanisms of genetic diseases, chromosome structure and function, animal models for disease and development, proteomics, protein structure, neurobiology, biotechnology, environmental and food toxicology, and bioinformatics. Our curriculum is concentrated mostly on cell biology and molecular biology.


At present, there are 350 / 20 students enrolled in the undergraduate / graduates programs.

  • Undergraduate Program on Biomedical Sciences:
  • Credit points required for graduation: 128 (Required credit points: at least 88; elective credit points: 40)
  • Graduate Program on Biomedical Sciences:
  • Credit points required for graduation: 30 (Required credit points: at least 12; elective credit points: 12 ; Master Thesis:6 ).

