
謝家慶 副教授

Dr. Jia-Ching Shieh

Tel:(04)2473-0022 ext 11806




  • 1995.03 哲學博士   英國曼徹斯特 生化暨分子生物學系

  • 1984.06學士     國立台灣大學 園藝學系



  • 2011.02 ~         中山醫學大學 生物醫學科學學系 副教授
  • 2003.02 ~ 2011.01  中山醫學大學 生物醫學科學學系 助理教授
  • 2001.09~2003.02   生物技術開方中心研發部蛋白質化學組研究員暨副組長
  • 2000.08~2001.07   旅英台灣學人協會秘書長
  • 1998.12~2001.08   英國醫學研究委員會/分子生物學實驗室/結構研究系/科學家
  • 1995.1~1998.11    英國醫學研究委員會/國家醫學研究所/酵母菌遺傳學系/非臨床科學家
  • 1991.08~1993.07   英國曼徹斯特國際學會管理委員會成員



  • 生醫系副教授



  • 分子遺傳學
  • 功能基因體學
  • 單細胞真核生物模式
  • 細胞週期及訊息傳遞



謝家慶的研究興趣在遺傳、表觀遺傳,及環境因素導致的各種人類疾病,這與其教學授課主題具一致性。他目前的主要研究重點在探討伺機性人類真菌病原體白色念珠菌的形態可塑性之分子機制,是共生性與發病性轉變的關鍵,在生物學和醫學都具重要意義破天荒地,他的研究團隊發現白色念珠菌CDC4 (CaCDC4) CDC7 (CaCDC7) 遏止酵母菌對菌絲型的轉換,分別對照其演化保留之有絲分裂細胞週期功能的G1S的轉換及啟動DNA複製極具差異,其團隊揭示了形態發生與逆境和營養和環境信號之間具功能交互作用,以及表觀遺傳調控形態可塑性的角色。目前正以遺傳學,分子生物學,細胞生物學和生物化學的經典方法,結合尖端技術的功能基因體學,蛋白質體學和表觀基因體學策略持續其研究。另外,為了克服白色念珠菌是不完全有性世代的二倍體而其一種密碼子的使用為非典型,他的研究團隊建立如基因剔除,條件式表達,雙熒光互補(BiFC)和以大腸桿菌為基礎的泛素化的新穎平台以便強化揭示形態發生和其他毒力相關的獨特基因及其功能分析。這些平台已經提供並用於國內外十數個研究團隊。





  1. Wei-Chung Lai, H Sunny Sun, Shieh JC. Establishment of tetracyclineregulated bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay to detect protein-protein interactions in Candida lbicans.Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):2936.
  2. Wen-Ling Liao, Jing-Yi Lin, Shieh JC, Hsiao-Fong Yeh, Yi-Hsien Hsieh, Yu-Chun Cheng, Huei-Jane Lee, Chen-Yang Shen , Chun-Wen Cheng. Induction of G2/M Phase Arrest by Diosgenin via Activation of Chk1 Kinase and Cdc25C Regulatory Pathways to Promote Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 ;21(1):172.
  3. Lee YT, Fang YY, Sun YW, Hsu HC, Weng SM, Tseng TL, Lin TH, Shieh JCë (2018) THR1 mediates GCN4 and CDC4 to link morphogenesis with nutrient sensing and the stress response in Candida albicans. Int J Mol Med. 42(6):3193-3208. (*corresponding author)
  4. Cheng CW, Yu JC, Hsieh YH, Liao WL, Shieh JC, Yao CC, Lee HJ, Chen PM, Wu PE, Shen CY (2018) Increased Cellular Levels of MicroRNA-9 and MicroRNA-221 Correlate with Cancer Stemness and Predict Poor Outcome in Human Breast Cancer. Cell Physiol Biochem. 48(5):2205-2218.
  5. Tsai KD, Lee WX, Chen W, Chen BY, Chen KL, Hsiao TC, Wang SH, Lee YJ, Liang SY, Shieh JC, Lin TH (2018) Upregulation of PRMT6 by LPS suppresses Klotho expression through interaction with NF-κB in glomerular mesangial cells. J Cell Biochem. 119(4):3404-3416.
  6. Liu SY, Huang CH, Shieh JC, Lee TL (2017) Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kanehira ethanol extracts prevents human liver-derived HepG2 cell death from oxidation stress by induction of ghrelin gene expression. J Biosci. 2017 Sep;42(3):439-448.
  7. Shyu HY, Yen LR, Hsieh YH, Shieh JC, Wang HW, Cheng CW (2017) Association of eNOS and Cav-1 gene polymorphisms with susceptibility risk of large artery atherosclerotic stroke. PLoS ONE 12(3):e0174110.
  8. Lai WC, Chang TW, Wu CH, Yang SY, Lee TL, Li WC, Chien T, Cheng YC, Shieh JCë (2016) Candida albicans Dbf4-dependent Cdc7 kinase plays a novel role in the inhibition of hyphal development. Scientific Reports 6:33716, 1-13. (*corresponding author)
  9. Lai WC, Sun HFS, Lin H, Shieh JCë (2016) A new rapid and efficient system with dominant selection developed to inactivate and conditionally express genes in Candida albicans. Current Genetics 62 (1): 213-235. (*corresponding author)
  10. Chien T, Tseng TL, Wang JY, Shen YT, Lin TH, Shieh JCë (2015) Candida albicans DBF4 gene inducibly duplicated by the mini-Ura-blaster is involved in hypha-suppression. Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 779:78-85. (*corresponding author)
  11. Tseng TL, Lai WC, Lee TL, Hsu WH, Sun YW, Li WC, Cheng CW, Shieh JCë (2015) A role of Candida albicans CDC4 in the negative regulation of biofilm formation. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 61(4):247-55. (*corresponding author)
  12. Chin C, Lai WC, Lee TL, Tseng TL, Shieh JCë (2013). Dissection of the Candida albicans Cdc4 protein reveals the involvement of domains in morphogenesis and cell flocculation. Journal of Biomedical Science, 20(1):97, 1-11 (*corresponding author)




1.Jia-Ching Shieh* (2018, Sep). Filament Suppressor CDC4 Modulates Glycogen Phosphorylase Encoded GPH1 that Involves in Cell Wall Structure in Candida albicans. Global Experts Meeting on Infectious Diseases-2018, Tokyo, Japan. As an invited speaker (First and *corresponding author).

2. Jia-Ching Shieh* (2018, Jul). THR1 Mediates GCN4 and CDC4 to Connect Morphogenesis with Stress Response and Nutrient Sensing in Candida albicans . The BIT's 7th Annual World Congress of Infectious Diseases-2018, Bangkok, Thailand. As an invited speaker (First and *corresponding author) and a session chair.

3. Jia-Ching Shieh* (2017, Apr). The DNA replication initiator of Dbf4-dependent Cdc7 kinase negatively regulates hyphal growth in Candida albicans. BIT’s 7th Annual World Congress of Molecular &Cell Biology-2017 (Section 1: Frontiers in Molecular & Cell Biology, Section 107: Cellular Decision Making Cell Cycle and Cell Division), Hilton Hotel, Xi'an, China. As an invited speaker (First and *corresponding author) and a session chair.

4. Hsiao-Chi Hsu#, Jia-Ching Shieh* (2016, Dec). Establishment of the in vitro assays to assess the differences in virulence among Candida albicans strains. 2016 Annual Conference on Food Biotechnology, Medical and Health Care and Agricultural Biotechnology, Nanhua University, Chiayi County, Taiwan (*corresponding author). 南華大學雲水居國際會議廳. Hsu HC had won the Excellence Award in the medical and health care group (1 out of 21).

6. Shieh JC*, Jian T, Tseng TL, Wang JY, Shen YT, Lee TL, Cheng CW, Chuan Li (2015, Aug). Candida albicans Dbf4-dependent kinase plays a novel role in suppression of yeast-to-hypha transition. BIT's 5th Annual World Congress of Microbes 2015, Shanghai, China. As an invited speaker (First and *corresponding author).

7. Lai WC, Sun HFS, Lin H, Shieh JC* (2015, May). Tetracycline-regulated Candida Albicans Pho85p Expression in Responses of Environmental Changes. International Conference on Chemical, Biology and Environmental Sciences (ICCBES), Kyoto, Japan. (*corresponding author)

9. Fang YY, Lin PH, Lai WC, Shieh JC* (2014, Mar). Study of the GCN4-THR1 Dependent Nutrient Response in Candida albicans TOR Signaling. 29th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, National Defense Medical Center,Taipei, Taiwan (*corresponding author).

10. Lai WC, Lin PH, Shieh JC* (2014, Mar). Development of a Dominant Selection System to Create Cagcn4 Null Mutants for the Assessment of Nutrient Sensing in Candida albicans. 29th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan.

11. Jia-Ching Shieh* (2013, Aug). Candida albicans DBF4 Gene is inducibly Duplicated by the Mini-Ura Blaster and Involved in a Novel Role of Hyphae-Suppression. The 3rd Annual International Symposia of Mycology (ISM-2013) under BIT's 3rd Annual World Congress of Microbes-2013, Shangri-La Hotel, Wuhan, China. As an invited speaker (First and *corresponding author) and a session chair.

12. Lai WC, Sun HFS, Shieh JC* (2013, Mar). Development of a Tet-on Based BiFCSystem to Explore Protein-protein Interaction in Candida albicans. 3rd Annual International Conference on Advances on Biotechnology (BIOTECH 2013), Singapore. (*corresponding author). Lai WC had been awarded one of the two best student papers. http://www.advbiotech.org/.



