
劉玉凡 教授

Dr. Yu-Fan Liu

Tel:(04)2473-0022 ext 11819



  • 1998-2005 Institute of Biochemistry National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan. Degree awarded: Ph.D. (陽明生化所, 博士)
  • 1991-1993 Institute of Biochemistry National Taiwan University, Taiwan. Degree awarded: M.Sc. (台大生化所, 碩士)
  • 1987-1991 Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taiwan. Degree awarded: B.Sc. (台大農化系, 學士)



Professional and Academic Experiences
  • 2017-present Professor, Department of Biomedical Science, Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan (中山醫學大學生物醫學科學學系, 教授)
  • 2011-2017 Associated Professor, Department of Biomedical Science, Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan (中山醫學大學生物醫學科學學系, 副教授)
  • 2006-2011 Assistant professor, Department of Biomedical Science, Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan (中山醫學大學生物醫學科學學系, 助理教授)
  • 2003-2006 Adjunct assistant professor, Department of Biotechnology Ming-Chuan University, Taiwan (銘傳大學生物科技學系, 兼任助理教授)
  • 2003-2006 Project Investigator, TaiGen Biotechnology Company, Taiwan (太景生物科技公司, 副研究員)
  • 1995-1998 Associate Research Scientist, National Center for High-Performance Computing, Taiwan (國家高速電腦中心, 助理研究員)
2003-2006 Structural bioinformatics-based drug design
  1. Bioinformatics approaches for Design of anti-SARS Drugs. (2003)
  2. Structures-based SARS Coronavirus Drugs Discovery.(2004)
  3. Bioinformatics approaches for Design of anti-HCV Drugs (2004)
  4. Approaching a new era for hepatitis C virus therapy. (2004)
  5. The function of MMP proteases in HCV entry (2004)
  6. The function analysis of HCV envelope proteins in virus entry. (2004)
  7. Structure-based Anti-Cancer drug design (2005) 



  1. 普通生物學
  2. 生物資訊學
  3. 電腦資訊與生醫科學
  4. 程式設計與資料庫分析
  5. 蛋白質結構與藥物設計



  • 臨床檢體序列資料分析, SNPs 資料庫與巨分子結構整合性生物資訊註解
  • 世代定序巨量數據分析, 建立體染色之體突變與臨床環境因子分析
  • 金針菇免疫調節蛋白功能與家塵蟎致敏基因研究與應用
  • 利用巨分子模擬軟體與免疫資料庫, 先導性疫苗分子的篩選, 以結構為基礎先導疫苗的設計


  • 2017/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31
    "探討次世代測序技術與重組過敏原應用於檢測微角家塵蟎致敏性氣喘", 科技部計畫, MOST 106-2320-B-040-026-
  • 2017/01/01 ~ 2017/12/31
    "口蹄疫合成肽疫苗系列產品研發 (第二年) ", 中牧智合(北京)生物技術有限公司, 產學計畫, CSMU-105-RID-037
  • 2016/01/01 ~ 2016/12/31
    "口蹄疫合成肽疫苗系列產品研發 (弟一年) ", 中牧智合(北京)生物技術有限公司, 產學計畫, CSMU-104-RID-032 (專利申請中)
  • 2013/08/01 ~ 2015/07/31
    "真菌免疫調節蛋白調控Th細胞分化與干擾素γ產生的機制作為減緩家塵璊誘發氣喘的健康食品之應用", 國科會計畫, NSC 102-2320-B-040 -012
  • 2012/08/01 ~ 2013/07/31
    "探討真菌免疫調節蛋白的醣類結合模組在誘發人類周邊單核球細胞產生干擾素γ作為減緩氣喘之健康食品的應用", 國科會計畫, NSC 101-2320-B-040-011-
  • 2012/08/01 ~ 2013/07/31
    "口蹄疫胜肽疫苗的設計與研發", 產學計畫, 蓁豪有限公司
  • 2012/01/01 ~ 2012/12/31
    "氣喘減敏生物藥劑之研究", 校內計畫, 中山醫學大學附設醫院
  • 2011/01/01 ~ 2011/12/31
    "研究真菌類免疫調節蛋白質之免疫調節活性重要胜肽區段與誘導IFN-γ傳訊作用機制", 校內計畫, 中山醫學大學附設醫院
  • 2010/01/01 ~ 2010/12/31
    "Regulation of Interference-gamma by the Immunomodulatory protein from Flammulina velutipe", 校內計畫, 中山醫學大學附設醫院
  • 2010/08/01 ~ 2012/07/31
    "以生物資訊學的方法對於FMDV疫苗B細胞誘發胜肽的設計與研發", 產學計畫, 翼碩生技股份有限公司
  • 2010/01/01 ~ 2010/12/31
    "Region wide association fine-map of chr.4q25 identifies ALPK1, a novel gout susceptibility gene in Taiwan aborigines", 校外合作計畫, 高雄醫學大學環境醫學頂尖中心
  • 2007/08/01 ~ 2008/7/31
    "探討MBNL蛋白質調控選擇性剪接的分子機轉", 國科會新進人員計畫, NSC 96-2311-B-040-002
  • 2006/12/1 ~ 2007/07/31
    "離子通道磷酸化功能的探討", 國科會新進人員計劃, NSC 95-2321-B-040-009-





    1. Edie-Rosmin Wu, Ying-Erh Chou,Y.F. Liu , Kuan-Chun Hsueh, Hsiang-Lin Lee, Shun-Fa Yang, Shih-Chi Su. Association of lncRNA H19 Gene Polymorphisms with the Occurrence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.Genes (Basel). 2019;10(7):506.
    2. Chia-Ming Yeh, Chiao-Wen Lin, Chun-Yi Chuang,Y.F. Liu , Chia-Hsuan Chou, Shun-Fa Yang, Mu-Kuan Chen. Functional Genetic Variant of Long Pentraxin 3 Gene Is Associated With Clinical Aspects of Oral Cancer in Male Patients.Front Oncol. 2019 ;9:581.
    3. Tze-Ho Chen, Shun-Fa Yang,Y.F. Liu , Wea-Lung Lin, Chih-Ping Han, Po-Hui Wang. Association of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 4 Genetic Polymorphisms With the Development of Uterine Cervical Cancer and Patient Prognosis. Reprod Sci.2018 ;25(1):86-93. 
    4. Shih-Chi Su, Yung-Chuan Ho,Y.F. Liu , Russel J Reiter, Chia-Hsuan Chou, Chia-Ming Yeh, Hsiang-Lin Lee, Wen-Hung Chung, Ming-Ju Hsieh, Shun-Fa Yang. Association of melatonin membrane receptor 1A/1B gene polymorphisms with the occurrence and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma.Oncotarget. 2017;8(49):85655-85669. 
    5. Shun-Fa Yang, Y.F. Liu, Chao-Wen Cheng, Wei-En Yang, Wea-Lung Lin, Jiunn-Liang Ko, Po-Hui Wang. Impact of microRNA-34a and polymorphism of its target gene CA9 on susceptibility to uterine cervical cancer.Oncotarget. 2017;8(44):77860-77871. 
    6. Y.F. Liu, Hsieh, C.W., Chang Y.S. and Wung B.S. Effect of acetic acid on ethanol production by Zymomonas mobilis mutant strains through continuous adaptation. BMC Biotechnolgy 17: 63 (2017)

    7. Lin C.W., Chou Y.E., Yeh C.M., Yang S.F. Chuang C.Y. Y.F. Liu*. A functional variant at the miRNA binding site in HMGB1 gene is associated with risk of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oncotarget 8: 34630-34642 (2017)

    8. Sheu M.J., Hsieh, M.J., Chou Y.E., Wang P.H., Yeh C.B., Yang S.F., Lee H.L. Lee, Y.F. Liu*. Effects of ADAMTS14 genetic polymorphism and cigarette smoking on the clinicopathologic development of hepatocellular carcinoma. PLoS ONE 12, e0172506 (2017)

    9. Huang, S.W., Lin, H.Y., Yeh, C.B., Chen, L.Y., Chou, Y.E., Yang, S.F., Y.F. Liu*. Correlation of Chitinase 3-Like 1 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms with Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Taiwan. Int. J Med. Sci. 14: 136-142 (2017).

    10. Su, S.C., Lin, C.W., Y.F. Liu, W.L., F., M.K., C., C.P., Y., Yang, W.E., Su, C.W., C.Y., C., Li, W.H., et al. Exome Sequencing of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Reveals Molecular Subgroups and Novel Therapeutic Opportunities. Theranostics 7: 1088-1099 (2017).

    11. Tsai H.T., Hsieh, M.J., Lin C.W., Su S.C., Miao N.F., Yang S.F., Huang H.C., Fu-Chih Lai, Y.F. Liu*. Combinations of SERPINB5 gene polymorphisms and environmental factors are associated with oral cancer risks. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0163369 (2017).

    12. Cheng, H.L.# Y.F. Liu#, Su, C.W., Su, S.C., Chen, M.K., Yang, S.F., and Lin, C.W.*. Functional genetic variant in the Kozak sequence of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase (WWOX) gene is associated with oral cancer risk. Oncotarget 7: 69384-63696 (2016).

    13. Yang SF, Yeh CB, Chou YE, Lee HL, Y.F. Liu*. Serpin peptidase inhibitor (SERPINB5) haplotypes are associated with susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma. Sci Rep. 6: 26605 (2016).

    14. Wang B, Yeh CB, Lein MF, Su CM, Yang SF, Y.F. Liu*, et al. Effects of HMGB1 Polymorphisms on the Susceptibility and Progression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Int J Med Sci. 13(4):304-9 (2016).

    15. Sun YH, Yang SF, Y.F. Liu, Ko JL, Wu CH, Wu TF, et al. Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Haplotypes of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 in Uterine Cervical Carcinogenesis in Taiwanese Women. Reproductive sciences. 23(3):401-8 (2016).

    16. Wu, H.H., Y.F. Liu, Yang, S.F., Lin, W.L., Chen, S.C., Han, C.P., Wang, H.L., Lin, L.Y., and Wang, P.H. Association of single-nucleotide polymorphisms of high-mobility group box 1 with susceptibility and clinic- pathological characteristics of uterine cervical neoplasia in Taiwanese women. Tumor Biol. 37: 15813-15823 (2016).

    17. Su SC, Hsieh MJ, Y.F. Liu, Chou YE, Lin CW, Yang SF. ADAMTS14 Gene Polymorphism and Environmental Risk in the Development of Oral Cancer. PloS one. 11(7):e0159585 (2016).

    18. Y.F. Liu, Chiang SL, Lin CY, Chang JG, Chung CM, Ko AM, et al. Somatic Mutations and Genetic Variants of NOTCH1 in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Occurrence and Development. Sci Rep. 6: 24014 (2016).

    19. Liao, C. T., Y.F. Liu, Chiang, Y. C., Lo, H. H., Du, S. C., Hsu, P. C., and Hsiao, Y. M.: Functional characterization and transcriptome analysis reveal multiple roles for prc in the pathogenicity of the black rot pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, Research in microbiology, 167, 299-312 (2016).

    20. Lee, C. P., Chiang, S. L., Ko, A. M., Y.F. Liu, Ma, C., Lu, C. Y., Huang, C. M., Chang, J. G., Kuo, T. M., Chen, C. L., Tsai, E. M., and Ko, Y. C.: ALPK1 phosphorylates myosin IIA modulating TNF-alpha trafficking in gout flares, Sci Rep, 6, 25740 (2016).

    21. Chou CH, Ueng KC, Y.F. Liu, Wu CH, Yang SF, Wang PH. Impact of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 Genetic Polymorphisms on Coronary Artery Disease Susceptibility in Taiwanese Subjects. Int J Med Sci. 12(6):510-6 (2016).

    22. C.Y. Lin, Y.F. Liu and Y.C. Tsai (2015) “Differential Effects on Fibroblast Cells Proliferation and Migration by Bismuth Subgallate and Borneol Individual and Combination” International Journal of Pharmacology 11(3) : 236-242

    23. Y.S. Lin, Y.F. Liu, Y.E. Chou, S.F. Yang, M.S. Chien, C.H. Wu, C.H. Chou, C.W. Cheng and P.H. Wang (2014) “Correlation of Chitinase 3-Like 1 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Haplotypes with Uterine Cervical Cancer in Taiwanese Women” PLOS ONE 9(9) : e104038

    24. T.M. Kuo, S.Y. Luo, S.L. Chiang, C.P. Lee, Y.F. Liu, J.G. Chang, M.H. Tsai and Y.C. Ko (2014) “Arecoline induces TNF-alpha production and Zonula Occludens-1 redistribution in mouse Sertoli TM4 cells.” J. Biomed Sci. 21: 93

    25. Y.C. Chang, Y.H. Chow, L.H. Sun, Y.F. Liu, Y.T. Lee, K.H. Lue and J.L. Ko (2014) “Alleviation of respiratory syncytial virus replication and inflammation by fungal immunomodulatory protein FIP-fve from Flammulina velutipes” Antiviral Res. 110: 123-131

    26. Y.L. Lin, Y.J. Tsai, Y.F. Liu, C.M. Hung, Y.J. Lee, H. Pan and C. Li (2013) “The Critical Role of Protein Arginine Methyltransferase prmt8 in Zebrafish Embryonic and Neural Development Is Non-Redundant with Its Paralogue prmt1” PLOS ONE 8(3) : e55221

    27. M.H. Chien, Y.F. Liu, C.H. Hsin, C.H. Lin, C.H. Shih, S.F. Yang, C.W. Cheng and C.W. Lin (2013) “Impact of VEGF-C gene polymorphisms and environmental factors on oral cancer susceptibility in Taiwan” PLOS ONE 8(4) : e60283

    28. A.M. Ko, H.P. Tu, J.G. Chang, C.Y. You, S.L. Chiang, S.J. Chang, Y.F. Liu, A.M. Ko, C.H. Lee, C.M. Chang, S.F. Tsai and Y.C. Ko (2013) “ALPK1 genetic regulation and risk in relation to gout” Int. J. Epidemiol. 42(2): 466-474

    29. S.S. Wang#, Y.F.Liu#, Y.-C. Ou, C.S. Chen, J.R. Li and S.F. Yang (2013) “Impacts of CA9 Gene Polymorphisms on Urothelial Cell Carcinoma Susceptibility and Clinicopathologic Characteristics in Taiwan” PLOS ONE 8(12) : e82804

    30. Y.F. Liu, C.T. Liao, W.L. Song, P.C. Hsu and Y.M, Hsiao* (2013) “GsmR, a response regulator with a histidine-aspartate-related output domain in Xanthomonas campestris, is positively controlled by Clp and involved in cell motility and the expression of genes responsible for flagellum synthesis.” FEBS Journal 280 (1): 199-213

    31. C.C Su, Y.F. Liu, S.Y. Li, J.J. Yang* and Y.C. Yen (2012) “Mutations in the CYP1B1 gene may contribute to juvenile-onset open-angle glaucoma.” Eye 26(10), 1369-1377

    32. C.W. Cheng, Y.F. Liu, J.C. Yu, H.W. Wang, S.L. Ding, C.N. Hsiung, H.M. Hsu, P.E. Wu and C.Y. Shen (2012) “Prognostic Significance of cyclin D1, β-catenin, and MTA1 in Patients with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast.” Ann Surg. Oncol. 19(13), 4129-4139

    33. Y.F. Liu, S.H. Chang, H.L. Sun, Y.C. Chang, K.H. Lue and J.L. Ko* (2012) “IFN-γ Induction on Carbohydrate Binding Module of Fungal Immunomodulatory Protein in Human Peripheral Mononuclear Cells.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60(19), 4914-4922

    34. Y.T. Tee, Y.F. Liu, J.T. Chang, S.F. Yang, S.C. Chen, P.H. Wang and C.L. Liao (2012) “Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Haplotypes of Membrane Type 1-Matrix Metalloproteinase in Susceptibility and Clinical Significance of Squamous Cell Neoplasia of Uterine Cervix in Taiwan Women” Reproductive Sciences 19(9): 932-938 /li>

    35. C.H. Hu, Y.F. Liu, J.S. Yu, Y.Y. Ng, S.J. Chen, P.H. Su and J.Y. Chen (2012) “A MID1 gene mutation in a patient with Opitz G/BBB syndrome that altered the 3D structure of SPRY domain” American Journal of Medical Genetics 158A(4): 726-731

    36. P.H. Su, Y.F. Liu, J.S. Yu, J.Y. Chen, S.J. Chen and Y.J. Lai* (2012) “Facial asymmetry and clinical manifestations in patients with novel insertion of the TCOF1 gene.” Clinical Genetics 82(5): 460-645

    37. Y.M. Hsiao*, Y.F. Liu, P.Y. Lee, P.C. Hsu, S.Y. Tseng and Y.C. Pan (2011) “Functional characterization of copA gene encoding multicopper oxidase in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59(17), 9290-9302

    38. T.Y. Chen, Y.C. Li, Y.F. Liu, C.M. Tsai, Y.H. Hsieh, C.W. Lin, S.F. Yang and C.J. Wang* (2011) “ Role of MMP14 gene polymorphisms in susceptibility and pathological development to hepatocellular carcinoma” Annals of Surgical Oncology 18(8), 2348-2356

    39. W.H. Wang, Y.F. Liu, C.C. Su, M.C. Su, S.Y. Li and J.J. Yang* (2011) “A novel missense mutation in the connexin30 causes nonsyndromic hearing loss.” PLoS One 6(6): e21473 – SCI

    40. S.C. Tang, M.F. Wu, R.H. Wong, Y.F. Liu, L.C. Tang, C.H. Lai, C.P. Hsu and J.L. Ko* (2011) “Epigenetic mechanisms for silence of Glutathione Stransferase M2 expression by hypermethylated Sp1 binding in lung cancer” Cancer 117(14), 3209-3221

    41. Y.M. Hsiao*, Y.F. Liu, M.C. Fang and W.L. Song (2011) “XCC2731, a GGDEF domain protein in Xanthomonas campestris, is involved in bacterial attachment and is positively regulated by Clp” Microbiological Research 166(7), 548-565

    42. Y.M. Hsiao*, Y.F. Liu, Y.L. Huang and P.Y. Lee (2011) “Transcription analysis of pmeA gene encoding a pectin methylesterase in Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris” – Research in Microbiology 162(3), 270-278

    43. P.H. Wang, Y.F. Liu, H.T. Tsai, Y.T. Tee, L.Y. Lin, Y.H. Hsieh and S.F. Yang* (2010) “Elevated Plasma Osteopontin Level is Associated With Pelvic Inflammatory Disease” Reproductive Sciences. 17(11): 1052-1058

    44. C.Y. Feng, P.H. Wang, H.T. Tsai, J.L. Ko, S.C. Chen, C.Y. Lin, C.P. Han, J.S. Yang, Y.F. Liu, L.Y. Lin and S.F. Yang* (2010) “Polymorphisms of Human Nonmetastatic Clone 23 Type 1 Gene and Neoplastic Lesions of Uterine Cervix” Reproductive Sciences 17(10): 886-893

    45. P.H. Wang, Y.C. Yi, H.T. Tsai, Y.T. Tee, J.L. Ko, C.P. Han, Y.F. Liu, L.Y. Lin and S.F. Yang* (2010) “Significant association of genetic polymorphism of human nonmetastatic clone 23 type 1 gene with an increased risk of endometrial cancer” Gynecologic Oncology 119(1): 70-75

    46. C.J. Weng, C.M. Tsai, Y.C. Chen, Y.H. Hsieh, C.W. Lin, Y.F. Liu, S.C. Su, M.K. Chen and S.F. Yang* (2010) “Evaluation of the association of urokinase plasminogen activator system genes polymorphisms with the susceptibility and pathological development of hepatocellular carcinoma” Annals of Surgical Oncology 17(12): 3394-3401

    47. M.Y. Lan, Y.F. Liu, S.J. Lin, Y.F. and Chen, C.H*. (2010) "Cavernous Malformations of the Central Nervous System Combined with Vascular Cutaneous Lesions due to KRIT1 Mutation: A Case Report" Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 112(8) : 729-732

    48. M.Y. Lan, M.H. Fu, Y.F. Liu, Y.Y. Chang, J.S. Liu, C.H. Peng and S.S. Chen* (2010) “High frequency of ETFDH c.250G>A Mutation in Taiwanese Patients with Late-Onset Lipid Storage Myopathy” Clinical Genetics 78(6) : 565-569

    49. P.C. Hsiao, M.K. Chen, S.C. Su, K.C. Ueng, Y.C. Chen, Y.H. Hsieh, Y.F. Liu, H.T. Tsai, S.F. Yang* (2010) “Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α Gene Polymorphism G1790A and Its Interaction with Tobacco and Alcohol Consumptions Increase Susceptibility to Hepatocellular Carcinoma” Journal of Surgical Oncology : 102(2) 163-169

    50. Y.M. Hsiao*, Y.F. Liu, M.C. Fang and Y.H. Tseng (2010) “Transcriptional Regulation and Molecular Characterization of manA Gene Encoding the Biofilm Dispersing Enzyme Mannan Endo-1,4-β- mannosidase in Xanthomonas campestris” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58(3), 1653-1663

    51. C.J. Weng, Y.H. Hsieh, C.M. Tsai, Y.H. Chu, K.C. Ueng, Y.F. Liu, A. I Zavras, S.C. Su, Y.C. Chen, M.K. Chen, S.F. Yang* (2010) “Relationship of insulin-like growth factors system gene polymorphisms with the susceptibility and pathological development of hepatocellular carcinoma” Annals of Surgical Oncology 17(7)– 1808-1815

    52. M.Y. Lan, S.J. Lin, Y.F. Chen, C.H. and Y.F. Liu* (2009) “A novel missense mutation of the SMPD1 gene in a Taiwanese patient with type B Niemann–Pick disease.” Ann. Hematol. 88(7): 695-697, 2009

    53. Y.F. Liu, Liu, H.Y., Tu, L.C., Lin C.W., Hsiao, K.M. and Pan, H.* (2008) “Zebrafish muscleblind-like genes: Identification, structural features and expression.” Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 151(1), 118-124

    54. Wang L.C., Hung W.T., Pan H., Chen K.Y., Wu Y.C., Y.F. Liu, Hsiao K.M.* (2008) “Growth-dependent effect of muscleblind knockdown on Caenorhabditis elegans.” Biochemical and biophysical research communications 366(3) : 705-709

    55. S. Yang, S.J. Chen, M.F. Hsu, J.D. Wu C. K. Tseng, Y. F. Liu, H.C. Chen, C.W. Kuo, and C.S. Wu et.al. (2006) “Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Structure-Activity Relationships, and Antiviral Activity of a Potent SARS Coronavirus 3CL Protease Inhibitor” J.Med.Chem. 49(16), 4971-4980

    56. Y. F. Liu and U. C. Yang* (2004) “SCAdb: A candidate gene database for spinocerebellar ataxia.” Bioinformatics 20(16): 2656-2661

    57. 劉玉凡,”生物資訊學在藥物開發的應用”,生物產業 第13卷 (第一期) 379-387 (2002)

    58. 劉玉凡,”揭開電子鼻的奧秘”,科學月刊 385期 32-35 (2002)

    59. Y. F. Liu and Ta-Hsiu Liao* "Mechanism for Inhibition of Deoxyribonuclease Activity by Antiserum" J. Protein Chemistry 16(2) : 75-82 (1997)

    60. M.H. Lee, C.H. Tsai, Y.F. Liu, Y.J. Chang, N.T. Chen, C.C. Liao and C.C. Chen* "The Antitumor activity of Naphthoquinones isolated from stem of MARKHAMIA HILDEBRANDTH" J. Chinese Oncol. Soc. 7(2), 1-10, (1991)
    • C.H. Chang, A. Wang and Y.F. Liu ”In Silico Selection and Enhancement of Porcine T Helper Cell Epitopes for Peptide Vaccine Development” The 27th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences (2012)

    • S.Y. Liu and Y.F. Liu “In silico approach of CUGBP2-regulated alternative-spicing candidate genes determination” The 26th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences (2011)

    • Y.F. Liu, K.H. Lue and J.L. Ko “Carbohydrate Binding Module on Fungal Immunomodulatory Protein is Essential for IFN- induction in Human Peripheral Mononuclear Cells” The 26th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences (2011)

    • T.Y. Chang and Y.F. Liu “Genome-wide analysis for alternative splicing regulation by MBNL-relative proteins” RNA Symposium 2010.

    • S.Y. Liu, T.Y. Chang and Y.F. Liu “Characterizing the alternative splicing of novel genes regulated by zmbnl1 in zebrafish embryonic development” SCMB Symposium 2010

    • Genome informatics: applications in disease gene and novel gene discovery” Y. F. Liu, Ph.D Thesis. (2005)

    • Y. F. Liu (2004) ASM Conference on Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics Approaches to Infectious Disease Research - Symposium

    • Y. F. Liu and Din-Lii Lin (2003) 15th AACR-EORTC international Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics Discovery, Biology, and Clinical Applications - Symposium

    • Y. F. Liu and Ueng-Cheng Yang. (2003) SCA db: Spinocerebellar ataxia candidate gene database. Bioinformatics In Taiwan 2003 (BIT2003) symposium - Poster.

    • Y. F. Liu and Ueng-Cheng Yang. (2002) Phylogenetic Analysis of Domains. 16PthP Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB) symposium - Poster

    • Lu, W-F., Y. F. Liu, Yang, U-C., Hsu, W-L. (2001) A tolerant map construction program that can use the EST markers to improve map construction. RECOMB Satellite Meeting on DNA Sequence Assembly.

    • Y. F. Liu, Yu-Huei Liao, and Ueng-Cheng Yang, Genome-wide Motif Scanning. The Fifth Annual International Conference On Computational Molecular Biology (2001) - Poster

    • Y. F. Liu, Y.C. Chang, S.P. Shen, Y.H. Liao and U.C. Yang. Bioinformatics study of Unc5-related genes in human. The Sixteenth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences (2001) – Symposium

    • Y. F. Liu, Bing-Wen Soong and Ueng-Cheng Yang. (2000) “Bioinformatics study of Spinocerebella Ataxia genes.” The second Brook-Top symposium, the Chinese Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Poster

    • Y. F. Liu, Y.-H Liao, Y.-C Chang, U.-C Yang. (2000) Bioinformatics study of trinucleotide repeats related diseases. The Fifteenth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences - Oral

    • Y. F. Liu, Yu-Chung Chang, Yu-Hwei Liao, Yan-Yuan Tsen and Ueng-Cheng Yang. (2000) An Integrated Software for Human Genome Annotation. Eighth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology - Poster



