
楊琇雯 教授

Dr. Hsiu-Wen Yang

Tel:(04)2473-0022 ext 11813;12005




  • 1997 博士 英國里茲大學 生理學系
  • 1991 碩士 國立陽明大學 生理學研究所
  • 1989 學士 輔仁大學 食品營養學系



  • 2012 - present 教授 中山醫學大學 生物醫學科學學系
  • 2004 - 2012 副教授 中山醫學大學 生物醫學科學學系
  • 1999 - 2004 助理教授 中山醫學大學 生命科學系
  • 1997 - 1999 博士後研究員 英國倫敦大學 神經學研究所 神經生理學系
    (Sobell Department of Neurophysiology, Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK)
  • 1991 ~ 1993 電顯技術員 長庚大學 電子顯微鏡中心



  • 神經科學
  • 基礎醫學
  • 電子顯微鏡
  • 神經生物學
  • 普通生物學



  • 105年度:正腎上腺素-藍斑核系統對大腦睡眠-清醒狀態的調控研究:GABAB受器-ERK訊息路徑的角色探討(3-3)
  • 104年度:正腎上腺素-藍斑核系統對大腦睡眠-清醒狀態的調控研究:GABAB受器-ERK訊息路徑的角色探討(3-2)
  • 103年度:正腎上腺素-藍斑核系統對大腦睡眠-清醒狀態的調控研究:GABAB受器-ERK訊息路徑的角色探討(3-1)
  • 102年度:電位依賴型鈉離子電流在藍斑核正腎上性素神經元節律性自發放電行為之探討(3-3)
  • 101年度:電位依賴型鈉離子電流在藍斑核正腎上性素神經元節律性自發放電行為之探討
  • 100年度:大白鼠染色體14A3區性腺表現基因群的分子特性與功能分析(3/3)
  • 99年度:大白鼠染色體14A3區性腺表現基因群的分子特性與功能分析(2/3)
  • 98年度:大白鼠染色體14A3區性腺表現基因群的分子特性與功能分析(1/3)
  • 97年度:大白鼠中腦A7核區正腎上腺素神經元A型鉀離子電流之分子和生理特性分析與角色探討(3/3)
  • 96年度:大白鼠中腦A7核區正腎上腺素神經元A型鉀離子電流之分子和生理特性分析與角色探討(2/3)
  • 95年度:大白鼠中腦A7核區正腎上腺素神經元A型鉀離子電流之分子和生理特性分析與角色探討(1/3)
  • 94年度: 大白鼠A7/A5區域正腎上腺素神經元與三叉神經運動系統關係之研究(2/2)
  • 93年度:大白鼠A7/A5區域腎上腺素神經元與三叉神經運動系統關係之研究(1/2)
  • 92年度:大白鼠三叉神經運動系統之局部神經迴路結構研究(3/3)
  • 91年度: 大白鼠三叉神經運動系統之局部神經迴路結構研究(2/3)
  • 90年度: 大白鼠三叉神經運動系統之局部神經迴路結構研究(1/3)


  1. Chao-Cheng Kuo, Jung-Chien Hsieh, Hsing-Chun Tsai, Yu-Shan Kuo, Hau-Jie Yau, Chih-Cheng Chen, Ruei-Feng Chen,Yang HW* , Ming-Yuan Min. Inhibitory interneurons regulate phasic activity of noradrenergic neurons in the mouse locus coeruleus and functional implications.J Physiol. 2020 Jun 29. 
  2. Rui-Ni Wu, Chao-Cheng Kuo, Ming-Yuan Min, Ruei-Feng Chen,Yang HW* . Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinases Mediate an Autoregulation of GABAB-Receptor-Activated Whole-Cell Current in Locus Coeruleus Neurons. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):7869.
  3. Wei-Chen Hung, Yun-Lin Chu, Meng-Li Tsai, Shi-Bing Wong, Ming-Yuan Min, Ruei-Feng Chen, Yang HW*. GABAB receptor-mediated tonic inhibition of locus coeruleus neurons plays a role in deep anesthesia induced by isoflurane.Neuroreport. 2020 ;31(7):557-564.
  4. Li MJ#, Chang TW#, Hung WC, Wu CY, Luo YC, Chang TH, Lin C, Yang CS, Yang HW*, Min MY*. (2016) Cholinergic and glutamatergic transmission at synapses between pedunculopotine tegmental nucleus axonal terminals and A7 catecholamine cell group noradrenergic neurons in the rat. Neuropharmacology 110: 237-250. (SCI)
  5. Wang HY, Kuo ZC, Fu YS, Chen RF, Min MY, Yang HW*. (2015) GABAB receptor-mediated tonic inhibition regulates the spontaneous firing of locus coeruleus neurons in developing rats and in citalopram-treated rats. J. Physiol. (London) 593(1): 161-180. (SCI)
  6. Liu CY#, Lee ML#, Yang CS, Chen CM, Min MY, Yang HW*. (2015) Morphological and physiological evidence of a synaptic connection between the lateral parabrachial nucleus and neurons in the A7 catecholamine cell group in rats. J. Biomed. Sci. 22:79-88. (SCI)
  7. Hsu CL*, Yang HW, Yen CT, Min MY. (2012) A requirement of low-threshold calcium spike for induction of spike-timing-dependent plasticity at corticothalamic synapses on relay neurons in the ventrobasal nucleus of rat thalamus. Chinese J. Physiol. 55(6): 380-389.

  8. Min, M.Y., Wu, Y.W., Shih, P.Y., Lu, H.W., Wu, Y., Hsu, C.L., Li, M.J., and Yang, H.W.* (2010). Roles of A-type potassium currents in tuning spike frequency and integrating synaptic transmission in noradrenergic neurons of the A7 catecholamine cell group in rats. Neuroscience (in press).

  9. Min, M.-Y., Shih, P.-Y., Lu, H.-W., Lee, M.-L., and Yang, H.-W. (2009). Neurokinin 1 receptor activates transient receptor potential-like currents in noradrenergic A7 neurons in rats. Mol. Cel. Neurosci. 42, 56-65.

  10. Min, M.-Y., Wu, Y.-W., Shih, P.-Y., Lu, H.-W., Lin, C.-C., Wu, Y., Li, M.-J., and Yang, H.-W. (2008).Physiologicl and morphological properties of, and effect of substance P on, neurons in the A7 catecholamine cell group in rats. Neurosci. 153, 1020-1033.

  11. Lin, Y.-W., Yang, H.-W., Chiu, T.-H., and Min, M.-Y. (2008). Inhibition of associate long-termdepression by activation of b-adregergic receptors in rat hippocampal CA1 synapses. J. Biomed. Sci. 15(1), 123-131.

  12. Yang, S.-C., Chiu, T.-H., Yang, H.-W*., and Min, M.-Y. (2007). Presynaptic adenosine A1 receptors modulate excitatory synaptic transmission in the posterior piriform cortex in rats. Brain Res. 1156, 67-79.

  13. Min, M.-Y., Hsu, P.-C., Lu, H.-W., Lin, C.-J., and Yang, H.-W*.(2007) Postnatal development of noradrenergic terminals in the rat trigeminal motor nucleus: a light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical an aly sis. Anat. Rec. 290, 96-107.

  14. Lin, Y.-W#., Yang, H.-W#., Wang, H.-J., Gong, C.-L., Chiu, T.-H., and Min, M.-Y. (2006). Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) at resting and conditioned lateral perforant path synapses on granule cells in the dentate gyrus: different roles of NMDA and group I metabotropic gluta ma te receptors. Eur. J. Neurosci. 23, 2362-2374 (# These authors contributed equally).

  15. Lin, Y.-W., Yang, H.-W., Min, M.Y., and Chiu, T.-H. (2004). Heat-shock pretreatment prevents suppression of long-term potentiation induced by scopolamine in rat hippocampal CA1 synapses. Brain Res. 999, 222-226.

  16. Min, M.-Y., Hsu, P.-C., and Yang, H.W*. (2003). The physiological and morphological characteristics of interneurones caudal to the trigeminal motor nucleus in rats. Eur. J. Neurosci. 18, 2981-2998.

  17. Lin, Y.-W., Min, M.-Y., Chiu, T.-H., and Yang, H.W*. (2003). Enhancement of associative long-term potentiation by activation of b-adrenergic receptors at CA1 synapses in rat hippocampal slices. J. Neurosci. 23(10), 4173-4181.

  18. Yang, H.-W. and Lemon, R.N. (2003). An electron microscopic examination of the corticospinal projection to the cervical spinal cord in the rat: lack of evidence for cortico-motoneuronal synapses. Exp. Brain Res. 149(4), 458-469.

  19. Yang, H.-W., Lin, Y.-W., Yen, C.-D., and Min, M.-Y. (2002). Change in bi-directional plasticity at CA1 synapses in hippocampal slices taken from 6-hydroxydopamine treated rats: the role of endogenous norepinephrine. Eur. J. Neurosci. 16(6), 1117-1128.

  20. Min, M.Y., Appenteng, K. and Yang, H.-W. (2002). Role of GABAB receptor in the regulation of excitatory synaptic transmission in trigeminal motoneurons. J. Biomed. Sci. 9(4), 348-358.

  21. Liang, P.I., Yang, H.-W., Lin, Y.-W., Yen, C.D., and Min, M.Y. (2002). The effect of prior prolonged low frequency stimulation on the further synaptic plasticity at hippocampal CA1 synapses. Chinese J. Physiol. 45(2), 63-68.

  22. Maier, M.A., Ar ma nd, J., Kirkwood , P.A., Yang, H.-W., Davis , J.N., and Lemon, R.N. (2002). Differences in the corticospinal projection from pri ma ry motor cortex and supplementary motor area to ma caque upper limb motoneurons: an anatomical and electrophysiological study. Cereb. Cortex 12(3), 281-296.

  23. Lemon, R.N., Maier, M.A., Ar ma nd, J., Kirkwood , P.A., Yang, H.-W. (2002). Functional differences in corticospinal projections from ma caque pri ma ry motor cortex and supplementary motor area. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 508, 425-434.

  24. Henderson , Z., Morris, N.P., Grimwood, P.D., Fiddler, G., Yang, H.-W., and Appenteng, K. (2001). Morphology of local axon collaterals of electrophysiological characterized neurons in the rat medial septal/diagonal band complex. J. Comp. Neurol. 430(3), 410-432.



  • Wu, Y., Lin, C.-C., Min, M.-Y., and Yang, H.-W. (2008). GABAB receptor mediated tonic inhibition in noradrenergic neurons in A7 catecholamine cell group. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Program No. 72.13.

  • Lee, M-L., Yang, H.-W., and Min, M.-Y. (2008). Identification of synaptic connection between pontine parabrachial area and A7 catecholaine cell group in rats. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Program No. 72.10.

  • Hsu, C.-L., Cheng, S.-J., Yang, H.-W., Min, M.-Y. (2008). Synaptic transmission and plasticity of cortical and sensory inputs on relay neurons in the ventrovasal nucleus of rat thalamus. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Program No. 39.1.

  • Cheng, S.-J., Li, M.-J., Yang, H.-W., Min, M.-Y. (2008). Activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase induces a long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission in parabrachio-amygdaloid pain pathway. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Program No. 368.3.

  • Lu, H.-W., Min, M.-Y., and Yang, H.-W. (2007). Effect of orexin-A on inhibitory postsynaptic current and membrane excitability in noradrenergic neurons in A7 catecholamine cell group. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Program No. 462.19.

  • Hsu, C.-L., Cheng, S.-L., Yang, H.-W., Min, M.-Y. (2007). Synaptic plasticity of sensory input on the relay neurons in ventrobasal nucleus of thalamus. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Program No. 47.11.

  • Wu, Y.-W., Shih, P.-Y., Min, M.-Y., and Yang, H.-W. (2006). Role for A-type postassium current in spiking properties of neurons in A7 catecholamine cell group. The Twenty first Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science 21, O072

  • Shih, P.-Y., Wu, Y.-W., Min, M.-Y., and Yang, H.-W. (2006). Charateristics of A-type potassium current evoked in noradrenergic neurons in A7 catecholamine cell group. The Twenty first Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science 21, O073

  • Yung, S.-C., Yang, H.-W., Chiu, T.-H., and Min, M.-Y. (2006). Role of adenosine in synaptic transmission in rat piriform cortex. The Twenty first Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science 21, O074.

  • Min, M.-Y., Hsu, P.-C., and Yang, H.-W. (2004). Whole cell recording from neurons located in pontine A7 nucleus in rat brainstem slices. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Program No. 521.10.

  • Yang, H.-W. and Min, M.-Y. (2004). The excitatory and inhibitory synaptic activity recorded from adrenergic neurons of A7 area in rats. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Program No. 521.9.

  • Jeng, S.-Y., Yang, H.-W., and Min, M.-Y. (2004). Transition of early-LTP into late-LTP by so ma tic q-burst stimulation at CA1 synapses. The Nineteenth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science 19, P412.

  • Hsu, P.-C., Min, M.-Y., and Yang, H.-W. (2004). Postnantal development of noradrenergic fibers in the rat trigeminal motor nucleus. The Nineteenth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science 19, P406.

  • Lin, Y.-W. Yang, H.-W., Yen, C.-D., Wang, H.-J., Yang, C..-S., Chiu-T.-H., and Min, M.Y. (2002). Timing based heterosynaptic plasticity at CA1 synapses in hippocampal slices. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 32, 152.10.

  • Yen, C.-D., Yang, H.-W., Lin, Y.-W., Yang, C..-S., Wang, H.-J., Chiu-T.-H., and Min, M.Y. (2002). Activation of b-adrenergic receptors enhances heterosynaptic plasticity at hippocampal CA1 synapses. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 32, 443.7.

  • Yang, H.-W., Hsu, P.-C., and Min, M.-Y. (2002). The physiological and morphological characteristics of trigeminal premotor interneurons. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 32, 856.4.

  • Yang, H.-W., Lin, Y.-W., Yen, C.-D., and Min, M.-Y. (2002). Activation of b-adrenergic receptors enhances timing-based long-term potentiation (LTP) at CA1 synapses. J. Physiol.( London ) 543P, 30P.

  • Yang, H.-W., Chen, S.-H., and Min, M.-Y. (2001). The elcectrical and morphological properties of interneurons lying dorsal caudal to the rat trigeminal motor nucleus. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 31, 295.4.

  • Lin, Y.-W., Yang, H.-W., and Min, M.-Y. (2001). Depletion of norepinephrine (NE) fibers alters synaptic plasticity at the rat CA1 synapses. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 31, 920.6.

  • Min, M.-Y., and Yang, H.-W. (2001). The properties of interneurons lying dorsal-caudal to rat trigeminal motor nucleus. The Sixth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences 6, O45.

  • Yang, H.-W., Tyan, J.-Y., Lin, I.-W., and Min, M.-Y. (2001). Development of GABAergic and glycinergic nerve terminals on rat trigeminal motoneurons. The Sixth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences 6, P230.

  • Lin, I.-W., Yang, H.-W., and Min, M.-Y. (2001). Depletion in norepinephrine (NE) fibers alters synaptic plasticity in the rat CA1 synapses. The Sixth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences 6, P231.

  • Min, M.-Y., and Yang, H.-W. (2001). g-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine mediating inhibitory postsynaptic activity in rat trigeminal motoneurons in-vitro. The Sixth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences 6, P236.



  • Min, M.-Y., Appenteng, K., Batten, T.F.C., and Yang, H.W. (1999). Inhibitory control of excitatory transmission. In “Neurobiology of Mastication-From Molecular to System Approach” (Y. Nakamura, Ed), pp61-77. Elsevier Press.
  • Lemon, R.N., Baker, S.N., Davis , J.A., Kirkwood , P.A., Maier, M.A., and Yang, H.-W. (1998). Cotrical mechanisms in reaching and gras ping . In “Sensory Guidance of Movement, Novartis Foudation Symposium 218” (G.R. Bock and J.A. Goode, Eds), pp202-218. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester .



